County Commission
The Neo-Classical Revival style building was designed by Britt Alderman of Atlanta, Georgia. The building is of stone, brick, granite, and Marble adorned with eight large columns with the cutting of the Dogwood Bloom. The front stresses the Southern Colonial type of architecture. After several delays not caused by the contractor the building opened its door Tuesday morning November 14, 1933, the total amount was $59,195.25. Athens’ handsome new post office building was formally dedicated with appropriate exercises at 7:30 o’clock Monday night, Congressman A. H. Carmichael being the guest of honor of the occasion. City Attorney Edward Goodrich, representing Mayor R. H. Richardson, Jr, made a formal dedication in a short address. The dedication exercises included a memorial service to the late Congressman Ed. B. Almon on December 18, 1933.
Ellen Morell, Administrator
Administers plans to accomplish the goals and objectives set by the County Commission. Performs department operations and preparation of legislation. Supervises subordinate staff. Oversees financial transactions of the county including the development of budgets.
Emily Ezzell, Accountant
Maintains county’s financial records. Generates reports and financial statements. Maintain the financial reporting of grants. Implement GASB 34 accounting system. Confers and assists auditors. Ensures county system maintains compliance with accounting principles and state finance manual.
Hannah Scrivner, Purchasing/Acct Clerk
Issues purchase orders for county departments. Prepares daily bank deposits. Prepares bids and monthly reports. Completes election reports and submits them to State for reimbursement.
Corrie Mason, Payroll
Responsible for payroll for all County Employees. Assists with human resource functions.
Hillary McCluskey, Human Resources
Provides human resources functions for County Employees and assists with payroll and personnel reporting, and ensures County compliance with human resources and personnel laws.
Nicole Hall, Commission Clerk
Provides reception/referral to incoming calls/customers. Prepares agendas, work sessions, and minutes.
Lori Hargrove, Accounts Payable/Purchasing Clerk
Performs purchasing and accounts payable activities, for approval.
Drew Dill, County Attorney
The County Attorney is legal adviser to the County Board of Commissioners and other County personnel and legal advocate for the county in court cases in which the county is a party.
Christa McCurry, Grants, Community Relations, Legal Specialist
Researches new grant opportunities and evaluates the viability of their implementation in Limestone County. Assists the County Attorney.