Sheriff’s Office

Sheriff Joshua McLaughlinSheriff Joshua McLaughlin

On behalf of the Limestone County Sheriff’s Office, we would like to welcome you to our website. Our mission is to protect life and property, preserve the constitutional rights of every citizen, and vigorously enforce the laws of the United States of America and the great state of Alabama. We strive to accomplish our mission within the constraints of law, with respect for human dignity, and in accordance with the highest standards of performance and accountability.

Lt Justin FlanaganChief Deputy Justin Flanagan

The Chief Deputy supervises all Sheriff’s Office personnel and all administrative affairs of the Sheriff’s Office. He serves at the pleasure of the Sheriff and is responsible for the coordination and logistics of every aspect of the continual operation of the department. His vast experience in law enforcement administration prepares him on a daily basis for the challenges that face every member of the department in performing their respective disciplines.


Project Lifesaver

National Project Lifesaver

The primary mission of Project Lifesaver is to provide timely responses to save lives and reduce potential injury for adults and children who wander due to Alzheimer’s, Autism, and other related conditions or disorders.

The task of searching for wandering or lost individuals with Alzheimer’s, Autism, Down Syndrome, Dementia, or other cognitive conditions is a growing and serious responsibility. Without effective procedures and equipment, searches can involve multiple agencies, hundreds of officers, countless man hours, and thousands of dollars. More importantly, because time is of the essence, every minute lost increases the risk of a tragic outcome.

Working hand in hand with trained public safety agencies, Project Lifesaver International (PLI) will help you save time, money, and most importantly, your loved ones. Project lifesaver provides individuals with a personalized radio transmitter bracelet. When an individual is reported missing, trained law enforcement can locate the transmitter signal using both air support and ground tracking receivers. This proven radio technology has enabled quick recovery times averaging less than 30 minutes. Families are quickly notified and reunited.

This service is provided free of charge to qualifying citizens of Limestone County. For more information, contact Blake Allison at (256) 232-0111 or by Email.

Limestone County TRIAD

National Sheriff’s Association TRIAD

Law enforcement officers and older citizens may not often have the opportunity to interact and get to know each other. The elderly may only have contact with officers when there is a problem — not always a time for the officer or the senior to appreciate each other’s fine points and a possible time for impatience, misunderstanding, and miscommunication.

This endeavor is intended to implement comprehensive crime prevention and recognition program for older persons. It will serve as a nucleus of communication, services, and training designed to enhance the quality of life for our senior citizens. This approach will provide an atmosphere of encouragement to seniors who are victims of crimes through counseling and victims’ compensation referral; identify seniors and their individual needs through one-on-one law enforcement contact and the completion of crime prevention surveys; and, provide training to law enforcement personnel in proper techniques and sensitivities in dealing with the elderly.

To provide better law enforcement service to our community’s older residents and to make senior citizen-law enforcement officer encounters a more satisfying experience for both, this program will arrange for each to learn about some characteristics, roles, and limitations of the other. Employing the theory that familiarity and education lead to better understanding, the following are our intended goals:

  1. Enhance the quality of life for senior citizens in Limestone County by improving the level of service to elderly victims by encouraging self-reporting of offenses; offering support services which may include counseling; and, providing assistance and referrals for monetary assistance through crime victims’ compensation.
  2. Identify seniors and their individual needs through one-on-one contact with law enforcement, and the completion of assessment surveys. This will encompass existing support groups such as AARP as well as organizing local volunteers to assist in the implementation of this program.
  3. Train seniors in criminal activity recognition specifically dealing with frauds and scams, purse snatching, pickpocketing, theft and burglary, gang activity, drug sales, elder abuse, etc., as well as in other areas such as disaster preparedness. Support “neighbor” watch and encourage seniors to watch out for one another, banding together to achieve their common goal. Provide a means of reporting criminal activities to law enforcement and a means of compiling this intelligence for follow-up by the respective agency. Utilize the exchange of information between law enforcement and older persons, to reduce unwarranted fear of crime.
  4. Solicit seniors to establish a means of training law enforcement personnel in necessary techniques and sensitivities in dealing with senior citizens. Encourage seniors to utilize this “sounding board” to establish what they wish to be recognized as appropriate behavior and response. Incorporate input into necessary policy and procedures. Train seniors in current law enforcement trends and approaches. Familiarize them with present procedures to promote a better understanding of law enforcement functions.

The greatest asset of this project will be an enhanced quality of life for our senior citizens. The results will be measured in their comfort, feeling safe at home, knowing that they matter; In participating in their own lives and destiny, and in assisting each other as well as their law enforcement officials in areas of mutual concern.