The March 3, 2025 Commission work session and meeting has been rescheduled and will be held on March 7, 2025.
There are many special tags available for registration that permit vehicle owners to visibly support and financially fund certain organizations. The organization tags are created by legislative acts and vary in fees and requirements. Many are available to the general public.
Organization Plates Include:
Current Organization Plate Designs
Generic Specialty Tags with Distinctive Logo Include:
Current Generic Specialty Plate Designs
Additional organizations may apply for a new distinctive specialty license plate by applying with the Alabama Department of Revenue. An application will be forwarded to the Alabama Legislative Oversight Committee (LOC) which grants approval for an organization to enter the procedures for obtaining the required "commitment to purchase"; applications from county licensing officials throughout Alabama.
Each 'commitment to purchase' application by Alabama registrants is supported by the prepayment of $ 50.00 per license plate commitment. If the required number of 'commitments to purchase' is received, then the license plates will be ordered and delivered to county offices for distribution. The sponsoring organization will be responsible for notifying its supporters.
The sponsoring organizations must reach sufficient commitments within 12 months following LOC approval. The commitments fall within two categories: 1. Specialty plate design, 1,000 commitments, or 2. The generic decal design, 250 commitments.
To view the current organizations that are seeking "commitment to purchase" applications see Precommitment Purchase or current application status.
Ad Valorem Tax
Business License
Boat Operator License
Driver License Renewal
License Plate Online Renewal
License Plates
Vehicle Registration FAQ
Vehicle Purchase Resources
Vehicle Title Transfer Regulations