The primary mission of the board is voter registration. It takes a majority vote of the board for an application to be accepted and the voter registered. To be a qualified voter, an applicant must be eighteen by the date of the election, be a citizen of the United States, be a resident of the state and county where the application is submitted, not have been declared mentally incompetent by a court, and not have been convicted of any disqualifying felonies. Alabama law requires a person registering to vote to complete an application form. The board may assist if the registrant is incapable of completing the form, either because of an inability to read or write or due to physical limitations. When the application is approved, the board adds the voter to the statewide voter registration system.
The Board of Registrars is empowered with the following duties:
Sandra H. Smith, Chairman Vickie Williams, Member Elizabeth M. Harrison, Member
Who may vote absentee?
Any qualified elector of Limestone County may vote an absentee ballot, provided they meet one of the following:
Business/Medical Emergency voting applications can be made after the absentee deadline but no later than 5:00 PM on the day before the election if the voter:
Is required by an employer under unforeseen circumstances to be out of the county on Election Day for an emergency business trip, or has a medical emergency requiring treatment of a licensed physician.
In addition, the business emergency application contains an affidavit acknowledging that the voter was not aware of the out-of-county business trip prior to the normal absentee ballot deadline. The medical emergency application requires that the attending physician describe and certify the circumstances as constituting an emergency.
(256) 233-6405
(256) 233-6693 fax
100 South Clinton St. Suite E (2nd Floor) Athens, AL 35611
Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
(256) 233-6406 or (256) 216-3865